
Writing, Thinking, and Humor (I hope!)

Archive for the tag “focus”

Blogging ….. Is Hard

Blogging is hard……

When I started, I wanted to post everyday (a nice goal, but life often gets in the way).  I also wanted to post on a variety of subjects, but I find myself having trouble coming up with ideas for posts.  Well, that’s not strictly true – I usually want to write something about what has happened in my life (usually revolving around my crazy ex), but I didn’t want my blog to focus on him and his craziness/idiocy.

All the literature I’ve read says you should blog about something you’re passionate about.  That last sentence sounds weird – should it be ‘something about which you are passionate’?  It’s more grammatically correct, but I sound like Winston Churchill.  Anyway, I find myself again unsure of which direction to take.  Do I let the insanity of my ex take over the blog (this is a learning experience, right?) or do I refocus and try to force myself to go in a different direction?

I really want to be a writer.  I have written for years, mostly for my own benefit, but now that I have been blogging, I find myself wanting to write more and more.  The feedback is a terrific high – whether it’s just a ‘like’ or a comment, or even a reblog (which turned out to be spam, sigh), I get a real kick out of it.  The thought that someone read something I wrote and liked it enough to comment makes me giddy (I’ve even done the ‘happy dance,’ much to the chagrin of my children).

So, now that I know I like it, where do I go from here?  I’ve read that the most successful blogs are ones where the writers found a ‘niche’ and made themselves successful.  However, I like a lot of different things, and I would like to write about most of them – divorce, kids, writing, reading, book reviews, weight loss, cooking, teaching – the list is almost endless.

I think for this blog, which I set up with the sole purpose of being a trial, I will just let go and see what happens.  Maybe I’ll start another blog to write about some of the other issues I’m interested in.  (Or is it ‘in which I am interested’?)  Anyway, as I sit here on this cold, dreary morning, listening to Hugh Laurie on the piano, I find myself waxing too philosophical, I think.

Stay tuned.  As a good friend often tells me, everything will be as it is supposed to be.  A very Yoda-esque statement, right?  Maybe it should be ‘As it is supposed to be, everything will be.’  That sounds more like Yoda, yes?

*My apologies to Yoda and his creators – no copyright infringement is intended

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